Solar System
The universe has your back, bae.
- Includes all major planets, and Pluto.
- Added two interactive buttons for toggling music on and off.
- Created and used a Prefab for all planets.
- Increased scale significantly and modified camera and assets accordingly.
- Added Trails to all planets to assist in readability.
V1.1 Notes
- Adjusted sun color to orange and increased brightness to better "praise the sun."
- Decreased the speed of all planets to reduce the motion sickness and up the cosmic wonder.
Note: Given the distance of the comet spawner, it takes ~12 seconds for the first comet to appear in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
Creator: BeRaffy
Instructor: Brian Winn
Course link:
Install instructions
Recommended to play this program directly out of your browser.
There's also the option to download and unzip files if you want to get fancy.
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